• s k i n
  • About IREI



    My name is Irei pronounced (Eye-ree), owner and creator of SKIN By Irei. These 3 handsome guys are my sons (I birthed those beautiful shades of Melanin, I’m still in Awe). Three of the four reasons i started making my own natural products years ago in my kitchen. They all had sensitive skin of different textures and conditions, and prescription creams just weren’t enough. I did my research and started blending natural things i had around the house, and this momma nourished their skin back to the radiant health it is today. The fourth reason would be my natural hair, store bought products just weren’t cutting it, but that’s another story for another time. Lol

    In addition to having my products touch millions of people’s skin and hair, it is also my hope that my products will touch deeper and just create an overall mental feeling of wellness. That’s why on every package is a little tiny message of hope that reads “Everything’s gonna be alright” which is also the meaning of my name. Welcome to my brand, and i hope to do the same for your skin and hair by making it the best it can be!

    Black owned, Woman Owned